πŸ‘‹About Definder

P2P crowdfunding marketplace for Real Estate and SMEs

Definder is built on the Binance Smart Chain network, utilizing advanced blockchain technology to enable fast, inexpensive, and secure transactions. The platform aims to provide open and unregulated access to facilitate and accelerate funding for real estate and other real-economy assets.

The goal is to eliminate burdensome steps that make onboarding and operations difficult for both investors and businesses.

The platform is designed to finance real estate projects regardless of location or type. The architecture reflects leading mutual funds by incorporating:

  • A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) where users can vote on key decisions like budget allocations.

  • Lending pools consisting of stablecoins or Definder Tokens ($DFIND), each pool funding projects matching its strategy.

  • Smart contracts to create legally binding lending agreements between Definder lenders and real estate borrowers.

  • Decentralised Ledger - blockchain technology to record, monitor, and track transactions.

Onboarding is simplified due to the decentralized nature. Users only need to register their email and crypto wallet address to gain access to project due diligence data and network information.

To gain voting and investment rights, users must deposit tokens into their wallet. When opportunities arise, users transfer funds to the fundraising wallet and receive interest repayments.

In summary, Definder utilizes blockchain technology and decentralized governance to provide easy, secure real estate investment opportunities to users worldwide. The platform aims to transform how real estate projects are financed.

For Community

Get amazing things done with awesome feature one. But remember that awesome feature two and three exist too. In fact, Awesome Product is full of awesome features.

  • Unprecedented access to investment projects in the real-economy globally

  • Security of Blockchain

  • Simplified KYC

  • Investments starting with as little as $100

  • Low network fees without any hidden Fees

  • Absolute data security and maximum transparency of all blockchain-based transactions;

  • Lightning-fast settlements

For assets owners

  • Proprietary tools for borderless capital raise

  • Unique algorithm for attracting strategic investors

  • Quick and flexible loan provisions

  • Flexibility of Collateral

  • Short loan application process

  • Competitive interest rates

  • Possibility for short term bridge financing and long term mortgage

  • Tokenization of assets

Last updated